Eating healthily, feeling well and staying energized over the holidays will no longer be difficult! Use these five tips to help you eat better, create beautiful platters and make more health conscious holiday choices!
First, lets get some facts out in the open.  I know all you are going to eat poorly,  consume more sugar and ingest ‘just a tad’ more alcohol than you normally would.  That is ok, that makes you human.  I will be the first to tell you I might do the same, even if that means drinking for the 5th time in 2016 or having a cookie with refined sugar that I normally would not.  So, remember, how we choose to be balanced is up to us. So if you are anything like me and eat really well all the time then this post is going to speak to you least because you already know what it is like to eat shit food one in awhile then pay for it the next day….
Do you ever wonder why you are more susceptible to illness during the holidays? Why you may need to see your dentist in January? Why you are most eager to hit the gym come January 1st? I sure as hell used to.  Well it is because some of us let ourselves go over the holidays, with this being said I am not telling you not to enjoy yourself and eat what you want but Christmas does not mean you should eat 20 cookies, 3 dinner, and then all the pop!
Just remember to be kind to your fucking body!


Make your platters colourful, fill them with natural beautiful foods and make sure you try your best to use seasonal fruits and veg!
Ok, so sometimes the hardest part about platters is convincing people to eat all the fruit and veg! Well that is easy! Pair them with delicious, natural (plant based if you can) cheeses.  In the above platter I used my friend, Bettina’s Cashew Cheese.  I jazzed it up Greek style by adding some white onions (instead of red), garlic gloves, thyme, oregano and a bit more lemon.  It is damn good and even better when you’re using vegetables as your scoop! For fruits, I would suggest something like this to ensure your guests what you eat it all up!


  • Coconut yogurt
  • Cinnamon
  • Coconut Nectar
  • and melted white chocolate (make sure its cooled before stirring)


Choose quality over quantity! So, choose good quality ingredients.! I don’t care if you eat meat or do not.  The quality of your ingredients will make all the difference and will also ensure people actually eat what you put on these platters! Sometimes spending a bit more buck will make it that much better!
So choose yummy thyme + raisin crackers or anything that speaks your food language!


Choose finger food and keep things simple.
I like adding raw veggies and fruit to my platters, Festive Energy Bites, Cashew Cheese, and toasted and salted nuts and delicious crackers!

TIP 4.

Make your platters beautiful by using beautiful cloths, vintage ceramics and wooden boards! Your guests will be attracted to your presentation and will create a “wow factor” at your party.  You want your friends will talk about your platters and tell you about how much they loved them and will ask you for some tips next time!

TIP 5.

Pre-plan and try to make everything on your platter from scratch!
Create an inspiration board where you will keep all your recipe ideas, platter presentation and grocery list! This will be your saving grace so do not skip this step! You know what they say…. save the best for last!
If you are looking for more ideas on how to make the best platters this season I would check out Jamie Oliver as he has mastered Christmas dishes! He has also mastered the art of Crackers, so if you are thinking to yourself “why the hell would I make my own crackers Maria?”… well this is why! After this is all said and done you’ll be saying to yourself “Homemade Chilli Crackers are really not so hard to make after all”!
I know all these tips will help you create beautiful platters, leaving your guests feeling light and full of energy!
Love from Your Greek Food Goddess

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